Vegetable Fajitas

“Fajita. A Tex-Mex dish made from marinated, grilled skirt steak…served in a wheat tortilla. The word derives from the Spanish faja, for “girdle” or “strip” and describes the cut of meat itself.” Source —Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink, John F. Mariani [Lebhar-Friedman:New York] 1999 (p. 125) Oh dear! By the above definition, my vegetable fajita stands no chance of being an original Tex Mex fajita. So, I am going to let you imagine that the portobello mushrooms in the Vegetable Fajitas are somewhat like the skirt steak.  Since I really love love love (repeating words makes the feelings come through) fajitas, I …

Sauteed Amaranth Greens

  Sautéed Amaranth greens with green garlic and peppers. What is so special about this streaky leaf that doesn’t seem to be able to make up its mind if it is green or purple or red? Well for one it is easy to cook. If that isn’t reason enough, it is really delicious. And if you are greedy for more reasons – it is a Nutritional powerhouse with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, and C. And here is one more – it’s fresh and cheap. You will find these at any Asian grocery store. …

Sweet Potato and Fenugreek – Shakariya Methi Nu Shaak

The sweet potato and fenugreek curry combines the nutritional benefits of two super foods, sweet potato and fenugreek. Add in some fenugreek seeds and you have yourself a delicious, super healthy food. In the ancient medicine systems in India and China, Fenugreek is used to improve metabolism in addition to using it to regulate blood sugar levels. The Shakariya (sweet potato) Methi (fenugreek) nu shaak is my mother in laws’s favorite dish. She saw a bunch of fresh fenugreek leaves in the refrigerator, the day she landed here from India and was really pleased. The first thing she asked me …

Vegan Quinoa Biryani

  You must be thinking it’s raining Biryanis here. Well it’s just that biryani is one of the favorite foods at my home, often requested by the teen and the spice guy. Since I make it so often I just keep cut and prepped vegetables in the freezer so I can make this as and when requested. There are times however Biryani gets requested more than once a week. I do like the fact that the teen enjoys eating vegetables, but I also want her to eat from the entire spectrum of healthy and nutritious food. Adding a few nutritious …