A couple of weeks back, I bought small acorn squash to recreate a recipe from one of my favorite restaurants for stuffed squash. I have eaten the dish so many times that I felt it was only proper to make a cheat recipe. Then, as luck would have it, the influenza struck and took me on a spin. The last year has been that kind of a year – where I have been more in the house than out because of health or injuries. At times it felt like I was not going to catch a break. EVER! But it …
Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Warm Cider Vinaigrette # Ina Fridays
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus As much as one wants to hold on to summer, you can’t help but feel the beauty of fall setting in and enveloping you within. The mornings are slightly crisp and the peppers, squashes, apples are putting up a show at the farm stands and grocery stores. Speaking about squash, the butternut squash is my most favorite one. Usually a butternut squash soup marks the beginning of Autumn in my home, but this year I thought a salad will be apt to reflect how I feel. A …
Baked Acorn Squash with Goat Cheese Salmon Mousse
As we are nearing the end of summer, one can’t help but marvel at the harvest that is in the Farmer’s markets. Fall is nature’s way of saying, you toiled hard, enjoy a while and think of the long winter days with courage and strength. I think it is nature’s way of providing us hope that we will overcome. For this week’s 38 Power foods blog group, we have the winter squash. A powerhouse of nutrients like the Vit B6, Vit C, potassium, Folate to name a few. I made the baked acorn squash with goat cheese salmon mousse. And …
Roasted Butternut Squash – How to
There are some things that don’t change much. I find the smell of a dish, or the way a certain spice is crushed, or just a quick look at the way something has been put on a plate, can pull me back to another place and time. I love those memories that seem so far away, yet you can hold them and carry them with you, even forget them, and then, with a single taste or hint or a smell, be chaperoned back to a beautiful moment.” ― Tessa Kiros That beautiful moment for me is the very first time …
Butternut Squash Rolls
Oh how we love pumpkin season. You did know this gourd-ish squash has its own season, right? Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin…. We anxiously anticipate it every year. ~Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer, October 2010 And we do too! Wait for the pumpkin season. My little pumpkin, eagerly awaits the pumpkin season so she could gobble up all the pumpkin goodies. Does that make you think that I have a child who does not give me grief about vegetables? You are SO Wrong! She does! Every now and then. But not during the pumpkin season. And I do have these squash rolls to …
Butternut squash soup
“I am rich today with autumn’s gold, All that my covetous hands can hold; Frost-painted leaves and goldenrod, A goldfinch on a milkweed pod, Huge golden pumpkins in the field With heaps of corn from a bounteous yield, Golden apples heavy on the trees Rivaling those of Hesperides, Golden rays of balmy sunshine spread Over all like butter on warm bread; And the harvest moon will this night unfold The streams running full of molten gold. Oh, who could find a dearth of bliss with autumn glory such as this!” – Gladys Harp A walk by the Harper Lake in …