The morning is abuzz with frantic activity. Everyone is up and about and doing something. There is music floating from one room and the sounds of off key singing, unbeknownst to the singer, trailing from another shower. The almost rushed activity of last minute course material is being stuffed into an already full backpack. The coffee machine chimes in with a jingle and wafts aromas of the nectar that is going to save your sanity. As you watch and hear this unfold, you have frantic thoughts of your own. You need to make sure everyone gets something nutritious and quick …
Oatmeal Kedgeree with Ethiopian Berbere Seasoning
Dear Oatmeal, I love you. I really do. But we need to talk. Don’t worry. It’s not that kind of talk. I can’t break up with you. After-all you enable me to be a better me and keep me going for quite a while in the mornings. When you are with me, even the daunting workouts at the gym seem to fly by fast and you make those long runs seem so easy because I have the energy to “just do them”. So why do we need to talk? It’s not you, it’s me. I have been going into a …