Chicken with Saffron and Mushrooms – Khoresht-e gharch

Har kas ki dad tan ba bala iman az ballast Viran kuja zi mauj shavad khana-i-hubab ― Ghani Kashmiri  (He who plunged into difficulties is free from difficulties,  How can the house of a bubble be smashed by a wave) His full name was Ghani Kashmiri Mirza Muhammad Tahir, a Kashmiri Poet who was acknowledged in Iran as a great master of Persian Poetry.  Persian was the language of the court in Kashmir in the 14th century. The Persian language is till date learned, mastered and spoken in Kashmir. I grew up listening to Farsi (Persian) poetry with my grandfather. …

Kadhi Pakoda – Yogurt & Chickpea Flour Soup with Baked Fenugreek Fritters

    Dahi in Hindi/Urdu, Zamut do’dh in Kashmiri, Thayir in Tamil, Doi in Bengali, Perugu in Telugu and yogurt in English. Yogurt is  an important part of the Indian food culture across the nation.  And it was an important part of the meal at home. It was served with every meal.  As a lassi – watered down with an addition of mint and spices or just as is.   It is my grandmother’s favorite food.  On most days she adds in yogurt to her rice, with a pinch of salt and some mint – walnut chutney and her lunch …

Rajma – Indian Style Kidney Beans

Has it ever happened to you, that you presented the idea of making the best dish from your hometown with so much enthusiasm that you could barely resist the urge to get going and make it but your baloon of excitement was burst with one simple “ Sure! But I don’t understand what the fuss is about this dish.” A lightening strikes and then there is a deafening silence. While you scurry for an appropriate response, your mind is racing with responses that you want to utter in a thundering voice so high pitched that every crystal in the house …

Egg Curry

Dear Eggs, You have been whipped, cracked, beaten and scrambled in my kitchen. You have been boiled, fried and baked too. And If that was not enough, I dropped you in soups and also poached you. The reason why I am writing to you today is that I never really ever told you or anyone how Eggceptional you really are. People maligned your name, by calling you the monster at the breakfast table. I never paid any attention to them and kept my love sincere for you. You know that, don’t you? I sang your praises in the perfectly boiled egg …

Marchwangan Korma – Kashmiri Mutton

  We were having a fiery discussion, my friend and I.  You know those kinds that begin casually over a topic as random as what size dress Kareena Kapoor wears but end up in a discussion about new age technology or Cricket and you forget what you were discussing in between. But you still want to showcase your oratory skills and never pause for breath because if you did, the others would take over and then you would be at the listening end, which you of course don’t want because if you won’t speak the world will be deprived of …

Muji Gaad & memories of Mom!

Sunny flowers, lined up bouquets, arrays of Chocolates, claims from businesses that they have the perfect gift for mom. This was the build up to the Mother’s day this year as it is every year. I never paid much attention to it in the past. It was after all just a made up day to Celebrate Moms and I did not need a particular day to do that. Yes, I would wish my Mom a happy mother’s day and she would reply with a twinkle and jingle in her voice “Thank you !Thank you!Same to you!” Her way of really …