It’s Friday and we are on another episode of our 38 Power Foods Blog group.
38 Power Foods blog group focuses on one ingredient each week taking inspiration from the book ; Power Foods: 150 Delicious Recipes with the 38 Healthiest Ingredients from the editors of the whole living magazine. Each week we all come up with recipes, stories, articles to encourage eating nourishing food.
Who is we all ? The following wonderful people who make nourishing food and talk about it on their blogs. Do check what they have come up with this week. Also, If you are a blogger and love the idea of being part of the 38 power foods, we would love to have you join us. Contact: Mireya(at) for details.
Jill and Margo at Saucy Cooks;
Jeanette at jeanetteshealthyliving ;
Martha at Simply Nourished Living ;
Mireya at Myhealthyeatinghabits ;
Alyce at More time at the table ;
Sarah at everything in the kitchen sink;
Casey at BookCase foodie
Bambi at adobodownunder
What can I say about this vegetable. We had a hate love relationship. I loved how cute they looked, but when I got some for cooking , thinking they were just small cabbages, I was in shock. Lets just say they shocked me with their smell.
But I was not to give up on them so easy, because they look adorable and I am such a softie when a veggie looks so adorable. I discovered that I enjoyed them best when they were oven roasted, with a touch of balsamic and some himalayan salt. Delicious! Here is a very healthy salad I love making – Brussels Sprouts and Sprouted Moong Salad

Brussels Sprouts and sprouted Moong Salad
- 1/2 C sprouted moong
- 1/4 C stewing lamb pieces - precooked I like them lightly boiled but you can roast or stir fry as well
- 1/2 C Brussels sprouts halved
- a dash of balsamic vinegar I used a Tsp.. you can use more or less
- a pinch of Himalayan rock salt. use any salt. I had some so used it
- 1/2 tsp oil + 1/2 tsp oil
- 1 tsp fresh mint chopped
- 1/4 tsp black pepper crushed
- 1/2 tsp of chopped thai green chilies
- 1/2 C of spring onions chopped
- Pre-heat oven to 400 *F
- Place the brussels sprouts in a single layer on a baking sheet. Drizzle 1/2 tsp oil and vinegar over the sprouts and gently toss to coat. Sprinkle some salt and mix it in as well.
- Roast for 20 minutes turning once. They would be done when they are nicely browned.
- In a pan, add the other 1/2 tsp oil and saute the green onions, add the precooked lamb,the pepper and cook until the onions get a shine on them and wilt just slightly.
- Now add in the brussels sprouts from the oven, and mix and add the pepper.
- Just before serving add the moong beans, fresh mint and adjust seasonings.