For this weeks power foods blog group, I simply could not wait. My love for broccoli is well documented here on Spiceroots and known among friends and family. While I have had to coax the family to eat broccoli, I never need to be asked to eat my lovely broccoli. My daughter’s transformation to a broccoli lover after the Roasted Broccoli omelet is phenomenal. So when I asked her if she would like to eat a differently cooked broccoli, the answer was a big yes! Music to my ears.
As a mom it is important for me to instill healthy eating habits. Including all seasonal vegetables and fruits is one of them. This year, we are also learning to can and freeze produce. And we have successfully grown herbs in our patio garden. We feel it is an excellent achievement. It has been fun making the first pickle out of beets and a jam out of strawberries and make a chutney from our home grown mint and cilantro. Such activities make her ask question about food, what we are eating and why it is a power food.
The health benefits of broccoli especially its cancer fighting compounds called indoles that help prevent tumors of the stomach, prostrate and breast. And it has high amounts of carotenoids that sweep up cancer promoting free radicals. For that alone it is a power power food and then add in the high levels of fiber, good source of vit c, folate, potassium , iron etc. It is a power power power food!
Please do check what everyone else in the power food blog group did with the power power broccoli.
38 Power Foods blog group focuses on one ingredient each week taking inspiration from the book ; Power Foods: 150 Delicious Recipes with the 38 Healthiest Ingredients from the editors of the whole living magazine. Each week we all come up with recipes, stories, articles to encourage eating nourishing food.
Who is we all ? The following wonderful people who make nourishing food and talk about it on their blogs.
Jill at Saucy Cooks;
Jeanette at jeanetteshealthyliving ;
Martha at Simply Nourished Living ;
Mireya at Myhealthyeatinghabits ;
Alyce at More time at the table ;
Sarah at everything in the kitchen sink;
Casey at BookCase foodie
Bambi at adobodownunder
Do check what they have come up with this week. Also, If you are a blogger and love the idea of being part of the 38 power foods, we would love to have you join us. Contact: Mireya(at) for details.
For today’s recipe I took the inspiration from Power Foods and made a wheat berry dish with broccoli. We ate it for lunch with a golden beet and goat cheese salad.

Broccoli with Wheat berries and Eggplants
- 1 C wheat berries soaked in a cup of water for 6- 7 hours
- 1 C broccoli florets
- 3 tsp olive oil
- 1/4 C yellow onion Diced
- 2 garlic cloves minced
- 1/2 C cherry tomatoes
- 1 C diced eggplants
- 1 C beetroot greens
- 1 TBS fresh chopped oregano
- Salt
- Pepper
- Drain the soaked berries
- Bring one Cup of water to a boil, add the berries, simmer, cover, cook until all the water evaporates and the berries are tender.
- Heat the skillet and add in the oil along with onions. Cook until onions are translucent, add the eggplants and garlic.
- Cook until the eggplants are soft, then add all the vegetables and cook gently for a minute or so.
- Now add in the cooked berries and oregano, salt and pepper. Mix, cook for a couple of more minutes to let the flavors mix.
- Serve immediately.
Recipe Notes
You may steam and blanch the broccoli if you like to eat it that way. I love the crunch of a lightly cooked one.